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Can't load ACE editor in a firefox addon, but can in chrome

I am using ACE editor in my browser extension. It all works fine in a Chrome/Chromium browser, but when I try the extension in Firefox (latest version), only ace.define and ace.require are available (ace.edit is needed, at least, to initialize).

Here is the part of the manifest (MV2) file involved:

"content_scripts" : 
            "matches": ["*://*"],
            "all_frames": true,
            "js": [
            "run_at": "document_end"

What could be done wrong? Both files are being read, but only a part of ace.js seems to be executed. Imagine that myscript.js contains a console.log(ace), to see which functions can I use.

Thanks in advance!


  • I posted an issue on the ACE's GitHub repository. The response was very quick and polite.

    All is explained in this comment:

    Just a side note, use noconflict ace instead of normal ace. The function you need to change is at the bottom.