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Android Development: How To Replace Part of an EditText with a Spannable

I'm trying to replace part of an Editable returned from getText() with a span.

I've tried getText().replace() but that's only for CharSequences.

The reason I'm trying to do this is so I can highlight sections of an EditText one after another (after a small delay), instead of going through and highlighting the whole EditText (which can be slow with big files).

Does anyone have a clue about how I'd go about doing this?


  • This minimal size example makes the word 'first' large:

    public class SpanTest extends Activity {
        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            String dispStr = "I'm the first line\nI'm the second line";
            TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(;
            int startSpan = dispStr.indexOf("first");
            int endSpan = dispStr.indexOf("line");
            Spannable spanRange = new SpannableString(dispStr);
            TextAppearanceSpan tas = new TextAppearanceSpan(this,;
            spanRange.setSpan(tas, startSpan, endSpan, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);

    You can adapt it to your needs