I am trying to set up different firebase environments(for example :qa,prod) in a flutter project.
I created two projects in firebase, one for production, one for the qa. Then, in an iOS or Android project, I using separate google-services.json or GoogleServices-Info.plist files.
but,how to do it in Flutter web?
If you need this dynamic config in dart code, you can create an interface that represents your configs and create implementations for each environment, so you can change the implementation passing a parameter when run flutter app (using --dart-define
Imagine the case that you have a prod and an homolog environment, you can create three files:
The first one is the contract of your configs, that all environments must have implemented.
abstract class AppConfig {
String get baseUrl;
And we create a class for each environment, with the implementation of the configs defined in AppConfig
class ProdConfig implements AppConfig {
String get baseUrl => 'https://my-prod-url.com';
class HomologConfig implements AppConfig {
String get baseUrl => 'https://my-homolog-url.com';
When we need to get the config class, we instantiate based on parameter passed by --dart-define
AppConfig getConfig() {
const environmentParameter = String.fromEnvironment('ENV');
switch (environmentParameter) {
case 'prod': return ProdConfig();
case 'homolog': return HomologConfig();
default: throw Error(); // You can set a default environment
And when you run your app, you just need to pass this parameter, like the example below:
flutter run --dart-define ENV=prod
Or in homolog:
flutter run --dart-define ENV=homolog
BUT, if you need to set configs like firebase, you should check this answer