this is my function
(defn foo
(->> (conj (:countries list1) ;; ["UK" "USA" "IND"]
(:countries list2) ;; ["AUS" "NZ"]
(:countries list3) ;; "FRA"
comment shows the data they fetches and I'm expecting my result to be like this
["UK" "USA" "IND" "AUS" "NZ" "FRA"]
but i don't why it gives me output like this
["UK" "USA" ["AUS" "NZ"] "FRA"]
it works fine though if i remove list2. then it produces output like this
["UK" "USA" "FRA"]
anyone any idea how can i fix this?
the root problem, as i see it, is an irregular :countries
value type, being collection or atom in different cases. What i would propose, is ensure the :contries
is always a collection and use concat
. In case you don't have control over the data type (which often happens), i'd propose utility concatenation function, something like that:
(defn concat* [& xs]
(reduce (fn [acc x]
((if (sequential? x) into conj) acc x))
[] xs))
user> (concat* ["UK" "USA" "IND"] ["AUS" "NZ"] "FRA")
;;=> ["UK" "USA" "IND" "AUS" "NZ" "FRA"]
as for me, i would discourage using flatten
in production code, since it may lead to the whole bunch of errors when data type changes.