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404 Page Not Loading Images (File Source / Layers Problem)

I'm facing what could be a simple problem, but haven't been able to find any solutions yet.

I just recently built a simple 404 page on my website (nofound.html) which through a .htaccess redirection (ErrorDocument 404 /nofound.html) allows me to catch all URL errors and such. Basic.

The problem is that, since the 404 response can be called within different directories, say for example index, or /dir1, or /dir1/dir2, etc, the page is not loading its styles and images right, since the source paths do not link correctly (image.png links correctly from index/nofound.html, but should become ../image.png and so on when going into different directory layers).

I've managed to make the styles load correctly by loading the same stylesheet twice (styles.css AND ../styles.css), but for the images, I have not found any workaround yet (other than duplicating the image within layered directories, which is cumbersome and redundant).

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!


  • Although it does not follow best practices, my final solution was to simply use absolute hyperlinks (such as https://website/img.png or something like that) rather than relative links within the website's anchors (../../img.png)

    As such, every element on the page is loaded from its absolute -actual- directory, regardless of the relative relationship between the nofound.html result and the rest of the site architecture.