maybe there is a simple reason. I cannot find it... My findViewById does not find any IDs of my project. So, cannot be found, same for R.layout.item.
This is my code:
class RVAdapter(persons: List<Person>?): RecyclerView.Adapter<RVAdapter.PersonViewHolder>() {
inner class PersonViewHolder(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
var cv: CardView
var personName: TextView
var personAge: TextView
init {
cv = this.itemView.findViewById(
personName = this.itemView.findViewById(
personAge = this.itemView.findViewById(
var persons: List<Person>? = null
init {
this.persons = persons
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
return persons!!.size
override fun onCreateViewHolder(viewGroup: ViewGroup, i: Int): PersonViewHolder {
val v: View =
LayoutInflater.from(viewGroup.context).inflate(R.layout.item, viewGroup, false)
return PersonViewHolder(v)
override fun onBindViewHolder(personViewHolder: PersonViewHolder, i: Int) {
personViewHolder.personName.text = persons!![i].name
The IDs are in a XML file definitly excactly like in the code. I put
to my gradle file but it doesn´t work.
Any ideas?
Remove R package and re-import it. May be there is the problem while we copy paste the codes.
Or you can use binding in your adapter ->