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Robotframework or Jenkins run process flask and perform the robotframework tests on it

I just started with the robotframework and seleniumlibrary so i dont know if what i want to do is possible.

The setup: I have a website as a flask service that is run on a server, i have a SVN versioning and a Jenkins with robotframework setup to test one branch from SVN.

So i DO NOT want to test the released live website, i want to test the trunk (Development branch) before i tag it and make a new release published.

This means that i do not have the site i want to test live on a server, i run it locally as i develop on it. All test work if i start the flask app on localhost and run the test i have, but now i want to run them in jenkins instead without me having to start the flask app manually.

This is the flow i want to accieve if possible:

 * Jenkins get informed of new version of trunk from SVN Hook
 * Jenkins or robotframework prepares for the tests by starting the flask app that the test should be run on
 * Jenkins run the RobotFramework tests from the robot file that does testing against http://localhost:5005 (This is the config of the flask app that probably should be something else when started from robotframework or jenkings?)
 * The tests is done and a report is made and the results published
 * In the future automatically tag and release the site if the test is approved

This is the config of the flask app if run without a config (Port is 5005 in default config)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    port = config['MonitorAndConfigure']['port'], port=port, host='')

With this flow i can publish my site and know it's working.

so the problem i have is the part where jenkins or robotframework should start the flask app and then close it again when the test is complete.

I have tried starting the flask app as a process in robotframework but it seems like it gets a temp path and port so the tests fail

Library                        Process

Suite Setup                    Start Process    python    ../
...                            Wait for process

Suite Teardown                 Terminate All Processes

This is the first test:

*** Variables ***
${URL}          http://localhost:5005
${BROWSER}      headlesschrome

*** Test Cases ***
User can open the home page
    [Documentation]             As a user i can open the home page and see the site

    open browser                ${URL}    ${BROWSER}
    Wait Until Page Contains    Systems Learch
    Close Browser


  • I solved this by running it as a shell buildstep and starting flask as a background service:

    Xvfb :99 -screen 0 1024x768x24 &
    export DISPLAY=:1
    python3 config_jenkins.json &
    sleep 10
    robot -d tests/results tests/test_website.robot

    The python3 config_jenkins.json & runs the flask service as a background service during the test, the sleep was needed to give flask some time to start and publish the site.

    For the robot framework to work with chrome inside jenkins i needed to make a dummy display with xvfb:

    Xvfb :99 -screen 0 1024x768x24 &
    export DISPLAY=:1

    The chromedriver is installed inside the jenkins docker image and added to PATH. I also had to change the owner of google chrome to jenkins from root in the container so jenkins could start chrome without problems.