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mongo db how to performe two groups

I have the following document :

 _ids : ...
 market : ...
 contractorName : ...
 field :...
 amount : ...

and i want to group it first by market then group the result by field (sum of amounts) inside each obtained list as follow :

  market : ...
  result : [
             field : ...
             sumOfAmounts : ...

any idea how to acheive this using springboot mongotemplate or by using raw mongo


  • Group both market and field first, then group market.

    You should group them twice.

    And try "Reverse Thinking" of group.

        $group: {
          _id: {
            market: "$market",
            field: "$field"
          sumOfAmounts: {
            $sum: "$amount"
        $group: {
          _id: "$",
          result: {
            $push: {
              field: "$_id.field",
              sumOfAmounts: "$sumOfAmounts"
        $set: {
          market: "$_id"
