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How to optimize a Flutter website for deployment with flutter build web?

I'm preparing to deploy my Flutter website built with Android Studio. I'd like to understand how to use the flutter build web command effectively. Here's what I want to know:

  • What are the essential command-line options to prioritize performance in the production build?
  • Are there any additional optimizations or build settings I should consider?

Previous Research:

I've read the official Flutter web documentation, but it doesn't provide in-depth performance optimization guidance for the build process.


  • To correctly optimize and set up a flutter web app for production refer to the official Flutter documentation, which goes very deep on tips and to-dos when preparing for a deployment.

    When you feel comfortable with the changes, prepare and deploy your app. The Flutter documentation helps us deploy a web app and is really well written!

    Here is the link

    Since you are asking for a "command" to run in the terminal:

    as written in the documentation under the "Building the app for release" section:

    Build the app for deployment using the flutter build web command. You can also choose which renderer to use by using the --web-renderer option

    So use the following command to build your app:

    flutter build web