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AudiKit AKPitchShifter & AKTimePitch Pitch Correction

I'm trying to get an autotune like sound from AKPitchShifter but the most I get is chipmunk type sound. I've played with different combinations with the AKTimePitch.pitch and the AKPitchShifter.shift both individually and together but everything comes out squeaky and too robotic.

I'm new to this library. Is there anything that I can add, such as other AudioKit classes, to get the sound close to autotune.

do {
    let file = try AKAudioFile(readFileName: "someones-voice.wav")
    let player = try AKAudioPlayer(file: file)
    player.looping = true
    let timePitch = AKTimePitch(player)
    timePitch.pitch = 0.5
    AKManager.output = timePitch
    let pitchShifter = AKPitchShifter(player)
    pitchShifter.shift = 1.5
    AKManager.output = pitchShifter
    try AKManager.start()
} catch {


  • Resolved in git through a pull request addressing a few errors: