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eye.candy.sixties not found?

When I try to run my report, I'm getting this exception:

Chart theme 'eye.candy.sixties' not found. net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Chart theme 'eye.candy.sixties' not found.

Sure enough, I couldn't find the theme defined anywhere in jasper-4.0.2.jar. What library do I need to get the default ireport chart themes?


  • I had this problem with charts using the 'aegean' theme in a web application. I copied the jasperreports-chart-themes-4.x.x.jar eg jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0/ireport/ireport/modules/ext/jasperreports-chart-themes-4.0.0.jar into my WEB-INF/lib and the charts worked.