Depending on availability, I am trying to define a priority order of files to read from. I used nested Try Except and it works as expected. However, it's pretty cumbersome.
try :
data_bachir = pd.read_table(model_data_path_1, nrows=73, infer_datetime_format = True, parse_dates = ["DATE"], sep='\s+', engine='python')
Tmax_bachir = str(max(data_bachir.T2M.loc[0:23]))
except :
try :
data_bachir = pd.read_table(model_data_path_2, nrows=73, infer_datetime_format = True, parse_dates = ["DATE"], sep='\s+', engine='python')
Tmax_bachir = str(max(data_bachir.T2M.loc[0:12]))
except :
data_bachir = pd.read_table(model_data_path_3, nrows=73, infer_datetime_format = True, parse_dates = ["DATE"], sep='\s+', engine='python')
Tmax_bachir = str(max(data_bachir.T2M.loc[12:36]))
except :
data_bachir = pd.read_table(model_data_path_4, nrows=73, infer_datetime_format = True, parse_dates = ["DATE"], sep='\s+', engine='python')
Tmax_bachir = str(max(data_bachir.T2M.loc[23:47]))
Is there a more elegant pythonic way to do this?
Another, compacter and scaleable approach, using list+loop:
import os
def find_existing_sourcefile(file_list):
for file in file_list:
if os.path.isfile(file):
return file
return None # if loop ends without returning something, this is returned.
def do_pandas_stuff():
file_list = ['model_data_path_1', 'model_data_path_2', 'model_data_path_3', 'model_data_path_4']
file = find_existing_sourcefile(file_list)
data_bachir = pd.read_table(file, nrows=73, infer_datetime_format = True, parse_dates = ["DATE"], sep='\s+', engine='python')
Tmax_bachir = str(max(data_bachir.T2M.loc[0:23]))
except: # would be better to use named exceptions here.
print("No valid source file found")