This is my code, it currently prints the whole line, that contains the string. I want to print the whole sentence, that contains the searchString.
searchString = 'doctorate'
files = os.listdir() # goes directory with *.txt files
for eachFile in files:
with open(eachFile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as currentFile:
allLines = currentFile.readlines()
for line in allLines:
if searchString in line:
print (line)
Any help will be apreciated...
Here's a very simple, naïve approach to split the text into sentences:
import re
search = "doctorate"
with open(path_to_your_file, 'r') as file:
text ='\n', ' ')
sentences = re.split(r"([\.!?])\s+", text)
for index,sentence in enumerate(sentences):
if search in sentence.lower():
print(sentence + sentences[index+1])
However, if your text is more complex, you will need more advanced parsing.