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Openlayers Geotiff layer's getData returns Uint8 when source is float

I am trying to visualize a single band COG with OL and am loading the geotiff as:

const source = new ol.source.GeoTIFF({
    sources: [
        normalize: false,
        // band 1 elevation
        url: 'http://localhost/eu_dem_v22_itnord4326_cog512.tif',
        min: 0,
        max: 4711.0,

I then try to give the elevation some simple style:

 const layer = new ol.layer.WebGLTile({
    style: {
      color: [
         // omitted for readability
    source: source,

but when I call the layer's getData method I always get an Uint8 array, which ranges between 0 and 255.

The geotiff's info using gdal/rio shows that the tiff is a float64. What is the proper way to get the float value from the layer?


  • normalize is an option of the GeoTIFF, not of the sources

    const source = new ol.source.GeoTIFF({
        normalize: false,
        sources: [
            // band 1 elevation
            url: 'http://localhost/eu_dem_v22_itnord4326_cog512.tif',
            min: 0,
            max: 4711.0,