Below is the method to retrieve a list of data from local sqlite table:
Future<List<Dog>?> retriveDogs() async {
return await _dbHelper?.dogs();
and you can check dogs() method as below :
Future<List<Dog>> dogs() async {
final db = await database;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.query('dogs');
return List.generate(maps.length, (i) {
return Dog(
id: maps[i]['id'],
name: maps[i]['name'],
age: maps[i]['age'],
I want to display list in my log or via print statement. So, I have done as below :
print(" >>> "+retriveDogs().toString());
But it gives me as : >> Instance of 'Future<List?> after print..
How can I get the complete list of Dogs ? Thanks.
Your retriveDogs
can retune null value. You can pass empty list for null cases like.
Future<List<Dog>> retriveDogs() async {
return await _dbHelper?.dogs()??[];
and to get data from future, you can use await
or .then
onPressed: () async {
final data = await retriveDogs();
retriveDogs().then((value) => print(value));