so I have this contract
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
struct Universe{
uint256 year;
uint64[3] space;
contract myContract {
mapping(address => Universe) public myUni;
function setSomething(uint256 _year, uint64[3] memory _space) public {
Universe memory testUni = Universe({
year: _year,
space: _space
myUni[msg.sender] = testUni;
And I am currently trying to test if the array is being passed correctly with truffle:
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
const myContract = artifacts.require("./1_Storage.sol");
contract('myContract', (accounts) => {
it('checks if setSomething works', async () => {
const myContractInstance = await;
const spaceData = [6000, 6000, 6000];
await myContractInstance.setSomething(2543,spaceData,{from: accounts[1]});
const myPassedData = (await myContractInstance.myUni(accounts[1]));
The issue is, that I am not able to get spaceData
passed into the function and I don't know why. The console.log(myPassedData);
shows me only the year and when I try something like console.log(myPassedData.spaceData);
it says undefined.
Thanks @sms for the link. As stated in the solidity Documentation:
If you have a public state variable of array type, then you can only retrieve single elements of the array via the generated getter function. This mechanism exists to avoid high gas costs when returning an entire array.
So I had to write a Getter-Function inside of the Contract to be able to access the array:
function getUniverseArray(address _address) public view returns (uint64[3] memory) {
return myUni[_address].space;