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How to generate azure storage secret credentials?

In Kuberentes secret, required format is:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: azcreds
type: Opaque
stringData: # use `stringData` for raw credential string or `data` for base64 encoded string
  AZ_CLIENT_ID: xxxxx
  AZ_TENANT_ID: xxxxx

How do i get these credentials? I have a Storage account, and when I go to Access keys I only see Key and ConnectionString


    • Firstly, you need to Login to Azure Portal
    • Then open Azure Active Directory
    • Then Click on App Registrations
    • Then Click on your owned application

    enter image description here

    Then Click on your application, You will find the credentials as below:

    enter image description here

    To find the Client secret you need to Click on App registrations the click on Certificates and Secrets then you will find your Secret as below:

    enter image description here