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Can't retrieve more than one info from api in Flutter

I'm trying to fetch both temperature and icon name from Openweathermap api. The problem occurs when I try to to fetch icon(or rather icon name).

It returns an error :

Unhandled Exception: type 'String' is not a subtype of type 'int' of 'index' And I can't seem to find where the problem is. In other models I have other data types and it works fine, here it doesn't.

When I add icon to model, view returns null for temperature.

Here is code for weather model:

class WeatherData {
  int? temp;
  String? icon;


  WeatherData.fromJson(dynamic json) {
    var tempInKelvin = json["main"]["temp"];
    temp = (tempInKelvin - 273.15).round();
    icon = json["weather"]["icon"];

This is weather service:

class WeatherService {
  final apiKey = "7e23369c183254302bda0471cc3f848c";

  Future<WeatherData?> getWeatherForLocation(LocationData location) async {
    WeatherData? weatherData;

    var params = {
      "lon": location.lon.toString(),
      "appId": apiKey,
    var url = Uri.http('', '/data/2.5/weather', params);
    Response response = await get(url);

    if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.ok) {
      var jsonResponse = jsonDecode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
      weatherData = WeatherData.fromJson(jsonResponse);
      print("Request successful: $jsonResponse");
      return weatherData;
    } else {
      print("Request failed with status: ${response.statusCode}");
      return weatherData;

This is weather controller:

class WeatherController extends GetxController {
  final WeatherService _weatherService = Get.find();

  Rxn<LocationData> locationData = Rxn();
  Rxn<WeatherData> weatherData = Rxn();

  // RxString infoText = "...".obs;

  String get address =>
      "${locationData.value?.city},${locationData.value?.county}, ${locationData.value?.country}";

  String get temperature => "${weatherData.value?.temp}";
  // String get icon => "${weatherData.value?.icon}";

  void onInit() async {
    await getCurrentLocation();
    await getTemperatureForCurrentLocation();
    await getWeatherIcon();

  getCurrentLocation() async {
    LocationData? location = await _weatherService.getCurrentLocation();
    locationData.value = location;

  getTemperatureForCurrentLocation() async {
    if (locationData.value != null) {
          await _weatherService.getWeatherForLocation(locationData.value!);
      // _getInfoText(weatherData.value?.temp);


  • Looking at their API docs, it seems that weather contains an array of objects (as a result, you need an integer index to figure out which one you want).

    To fix it, you can simply opt to always use the first object in the weather array and take the icon/description from that:

    "weather": [
          "id": 800,
          "main": "Clear",
          "description": "clear sky",
          "icon": "01d"

    Which is:

    icon = json["weather"][0]["icon"];