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How to set Total Transactions while using loop sampler

I need to set my script to keep total transactions = 30 for 15 min.

My script looks like:

Thread Group (x) ==> Loop Controller (200 times) ==> Dummy Sampler ==> Synchronizing Timer (30)

The result shows total transaction much higher, I guess it's because the loop controller and the Sync Timer. How can I set it correctly?



  • What do you mean by "total transactions"? If you want to send 30 requests in 15 minutes more or less evenly distributed you need to use Constant Throughput Timer instead of the Synchronizing Timer and configure it to send 2 requests per minute.

    If you want 30 transactions in total as fast as it possible - set the number of loops to the 30 divided by the number of threads (virtual users) i.e.

    • 1 user - 30 loops
    • 2 users - 15 loops
    • 3 users - 10 loops
    • etc.

    The Synchronizing Timer just releases the requests in batches of 30 concurrent ones so you're basically sending requests in spikes