I have a map (Using flutter maps) that presents some layers that can be enabled or disabled by the user. For that I have two buttons to disable and enable these layers, and I'm controlling their state with a getX controller.
RxBool radar = false.obs;
RxBool satelite = false.obs;
I want when the user clicks on one of these buttons the layer related to it activates or deactivates. So far so good, however, I want that when he activates the radas layer, the other layer remains without re-rendering and vice versa. What is happening is that when the user activates/deactivates a layer, the map component re-renders and ends up causing the other layer to reload its content.
init: MenuController(),
builder: (menuController) {
return FlutterMap(
options: MapOptions(),
layers: [
if (menuController.radar.value) //Handle True or false
wmsOptions: WMSTileLayerOptions(
baseUrl: "MyUrlLocales",
if (menuController.satelite.value) //Handle True or false
wmsOptions: WMSTileLayerOptions(
baseUrl: "MyUrlCars",
Obviously this happens because you have given GetX to the whole FlutterMap
create a controller for MenuController
var _controller = Get.put(MenuController());
FlutterMap(options: MapOptions(), children: [
() => Visibility(
visible: _menuController.radar.value,
child: TileLayerWidget(
options: TileLayerOptions(
wmsOptions: WMSTileLayerOptions(
baseUrl: "MyUrlLocales",
() => Visibility(
visible: menuController.satelite.value,
child: TileLayerWidget(
options: TileLayerOptions(
wmsOptions: WMSTileLayerOptions(
baseUrl: "MyUrlCars",