I'm using this model class that specifies the different input parameters one can use to filter a result list of an endpoint:
from pydantic import BaseModel
class MyFilter(BaseModel):
status: Optional[ValidationStatus]
reference: Optional[str]
include_documents: Optional[bool]
Same as for my input model fields I would like to add description strings to the SwaggerUI to explain the meaning e.g. specifically for include_documents
My endpoint looks like:
def get_list(
request: Request, my_filter: MyFilter = Depends(), db: Session = Depends(get_db)
I see in the docs only that a description is possible using Query
for a parameter overall but not how I would do it for each "field" in my model. Is that possible?
When I try Query
or Path
in my method signature I get the error message: Param: my_filter can only be a request body, using Body()
I found a solution/workaround in a github issue of fastapi: https://github.com/tiangolo/fastapi/issues/4700
This works for me:
from fastapi import Query
class MyFilter(BaseModel):
include_documents: Optional[bool] = Query(Query(description="hello", default=None))
Note: Without default=None
it will be marked as required despite the Optional