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UWP: How to bind a property from a base class in XAML

For the past couple of days I have been tinkering trying to find a solution for the given situation below.

I have a base class AppColors containing different color properties:

public class AppColors
    public static Brush ColorTransparent    { get; private set; }
    public static Brush ColorBlack          { get; private set; }
    public AppColors()
        ColorTransparent = new SolidColorBrush(U.Hex2Color("#00ffffff"));
        ColorBlack       = new SolidColorBrush(U.Hex2Color("#ff000000"));

My ColorPage ViewModel uses the AppColors class as its base:

public class ColorPageViewModel: AppColors
    public static Brush ColorCustom   { get; private set; }

    public ColorPageViewModel ()
        ColorCustom = new SolidColorBrush(U.Hex2Color("#ffff1234"));

Inside the ColorPage XAML I want to make a binding to the ColorBlack property from the base color class.


        <vm:ColorPageViewModel />

    <!-- the property ColorBlack can not be retrieved, but no error is given -->
    <Grid Background="{Binding ColorBlack}"></Grid>

The binding to the ColorBlack property is not used when I run the application. I was expecting it to be retrieved from the base color class.

I can fix the problem by declaring a page resource and use that as my source for the binding, but that defeats the whole purpose of using the color class as a base.

    <local:AppColors x:Key="AppColors" />

    <vm:ColorPageViewModel />

<!-- the property ColorBlack works now! -->
<Grid Background="{Binding ColorBlack, Source={StaticResource AppColors}}"></Grid>

Any advice on how to access the properties from the base color class?


  • Any advice on how to access the properties from the base color class?

    ColorBlack is not an instance/local property of the view model.

    Use {x:Bind} when you bind to static properties:

    <Grid Background="{x:Bind vm:ColorPageViewModel.ColorBlack}"></Grid>