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Aggregate array field and text field in a collection mongo Node

I want to merge two document in same collection by grouping two fields, one field is just a normal text field (WorkFlow), and another one is an array field (Service), i was able to group the normal field(WorkFlow) but am stuck to group the array field, please help me I have a short in time to do it, I've gone through some article but I couldn't find any solution, please help me to overcome this..

** i need to get the output, in any method if its not in aggregate then any other solutions

I have the document in collection like below:

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "62f9fd54259335683bc54ac3"
  "WorkFlow": "Vendor",
  "Service": [
      "value": "6235b52ea216f20e1b00ad43"
      "value": "6235b538a216f20e1b00ad46"
  "AssetServiceClassification": "Business",
  "LevelArray": [
      "Level": "6235b4f5a216f20e1b00ad36",
      "StaffName": "620a23bbc7e6a4378ff8ad74",
      "Designation": "61efa3a5a444008633b223dd"
      "Level": "6235b500a216f20e1b00ad39",
      "StaffName": "620b4d4995c3061565e63b08",
      "Designation": "61efa3aca444008633b223e0"
  "_id": {
    "$oid": "62f9f5f9e26c8912b86c61b8"
  "WorkFlow": "Vendor",
  "Service": [
      "value": "6235b538a216f20e1b00ad46"
      "value": "6235b52ea216f20e1b00ad43"
  "AssetServiceClassification": "Normal",
  "LevelArray": [
      "Level": "6235b4f5a216f20e1b00ad36",
      "StaffName": "620a2351c7e6a4378ff8ad4c",
      "Designation": "61efa3a5a444008633b223dd"
      "Level": "6235b500a216f20e1b00ad39",
      "StaffName": "620a2387c7e6a4378ff8ad60",
      "Designation": "61efa3aca444008633b223e0"

and I need an output structure like below:

  "WorkFlow": "Vendor",
  "Service": [
      "value": "6235b52ea216f20e1b00ad43"
      "value": "6235b538a216f20e1b00ad46"
  "Assets": [
      "_id":  "62f9fd54259335683bc54ac3",
      "AssetServiceClassification": "Business",
      "LevelArray": [
          "Level": "6235b4f5a216f20e1b00ad36",
          "StaffName": "620a23bbc7e6a4378ff8ad74",
          "Designation": "61efa3a5a444008633b223dd"
          "Level": "6235b500a216f20e1b00ad39",
          "StaffName": "620b4d4995c3061565e63b08",
          "Designation": "61efa3aca444008633b223e0"
      "_id":  "62f9f5f9e26c8912b86c61b8",
      "AssetServiceClassification": "Normal",
      "LevelArray": [
          "Level": "6235b4f5a216f20e1b00ad36",
          "StaffName": "620a2351c7e6a4378ff8ad4c",
          "Designation": "61efa3a5a444008633b223dd"
          "Level": "6235b500a216f20e1b00ad39",
          "StaffName": "620a2387c7e6a4378ff8ad60",
          "Designation": "61efa3aca444008633b223e0"


  • I think this pipeline will help you get the output you want:

        "$unwind": "$Service"
        "$sort": {
          "Service.value": 1
        "$group": {
          "_id": {
            "_id": "$_id",
            "WorkFlow": "$WorkFlow",
            "LevelArray": "$LevelArray",
            "AssetServiceClassification": "$AssetServiceClassification"
          "Service": {
            "$push": "$Service"
        "$project": {
          "_id": "$_id._id",
          "WorkFlow": "$_id.WorkFlow",
          "LevelArray": "$_id.LevelArray",
          "AssetServiceClassification": "$_id.AssetServiceClassification",
          "Service": "$Service"
        "$group": {
          "_id": {
            "WorkFlow": "$WorkFlow",
            "Service": "$Service"
          "Assets": {
            "$push": {
              "_id": "$_id",
              "LevelArray": "$LevelArray",
              "AssetServiceClassification": "$AssetServiceClassification"