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Parse URL with AppleScript

Given a url (, I am wondering if there is a way to parse the url to get its components in AppleScript/AppleScriptObjC directly (without using e.g. Javascript) and set them as variables; those components being:

  • protocol (i.e. https or http)
  • host (e.g.
  • pathname (e.g. path-to-question)

I know one can do this via Javascript using

l = window.location
protocol = l.protocol
host =
path = l.pathname

What I am trying to do: What I am trying to do is, given a current tab with URL (, change its URL to something like (https://(MY_TEXT1)-www.stackoverflow.com_(MY_TEXT2)/path-to-question_(MY_TEXT3))

Any help with how to do this via AppleScript directly would be much appreciated


  • With the help to the Foundation framework it's pretty easy

    set urlString to ""
    set urlComponents to my (NSURLComponents's componentsWithString: urlString)
    tell urlComponents
        set urlScheme to |scheme|() as text
        set urlHost to |host|() as text
        set urlPath to |path|() as text
    end tell

    If you need to omit the leading slash in the path just write

    set urlPath to text 2 thru -1 of (|path|() as text)