async function find(ctx) {
return await
This is my controller
resolver: async (obj, options, ctx) => {
const result = await strapi.query('active').model.find({ article_id:});
return result.length > 0;
This is my resolver
I have this on my strapi backend and I am trying to figure out how to do pagination. Because there are so many ways to go about it and it's not documented very well, I am not sure what we can do. Is this using Mongoose and also, how do you send the data from the controller to the resolver exactly?
resolver: async (obj, options, ctx) => {
const result = await strapi.query('active').model.find({ article_id:}).limit(obj.limit).offset(obj.offset);
return result.length > 0;
Is it possible to do this since I am assuming it is mongoose that's being used? If not, how can we change the resolver to paginate the articles?
for strapi v3, you can use something like this:
const result = await strapi.query("model").find({
id: id,
_start: page > 0 ? (page - 1) * pageSize : 0,
_limit: pageSize,
_sort: "created_at:desc",