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Callback URL Twitter API not functioning and authorizing

Hey guys I am trying to build this twitter bot, I am using the library tweepy. I turned on OAuth 1.0a turned on to get read and write access but I am unable to authorize the app. I am not able to get the pin value which I can use in auth.get_access_token(verifier=None)

My code :

import tweepy
import webbrowser
import time
consumer_key = "value"
consumer_secret = "value"

access_token = "value"
access_token_secret = "value"
auth = tweepy.OAuth1UserHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token,access_token_secret  )
redirect_url = auth.get_authorization_url()
print(redirect_url) #stuck here as when I click authorize the app it redirects to the callback url which says "Directory listing for /?oauth_token="value"&oauth_verifier="value"
user_pint_input = input("What's the pin value?")

I have put local host 8080 as the callback url which I started through python3 -m http.server --cgi 8080

I am unsure about this callback url due to lack of info on this. I am doing it wrong. How can I rectify it? Thanks


  • From the Tweepy documentation here:

    The PIN-based OAuth flow can be used by setting the callback parameter to "oob":

    import tweepy
    oauth1_user_handler = tweepy.OAuth1UserHandler(
        "API / Consumer Key here", "API / Consumer Secret here",

    There is no question of callback if you use this authentication method.