sorry if the title not describe the problem well i have 4 button with 4 letters ["g","o","o","d"] it is a game about if the player can guess the word , which is in this case the word is : "good"
i have a hint button that do this : *give one letter from the four *hide the button with the given letter it works very well
but the problem is : the word "good" has two "o" letter so the hint button now well delete two button with the letter "O"
here is what i did so far :
// this method will add a letter from the right word "qlap" to the answer textfield and it work perfectly :
let text_ans = ans.text?.count
ans.text! += qlab![text_ans!+0]
// the four letters
let buttin = [Letter1,Letter2,Letter3,Letter4]
// check if hint letter above == button title letter
for title in buttin {
if qlab![text_ans!+0] == title!.title(for: .normal) {
let tag = title!.tag
if title?.tag == tag {
// how can i just hide for once if there is a duplicate
title?.isHidden = true
and here is a gif to make it more clear :
i tried do it with the button tags rather than title but at the end i went to the same result
You could use the first(where:)
(documented here) function to find the first button with a title
that matches what you are looking for and where isHidden == false
So something along the lines of:
if let hintButton = buttin.first(where: { $0.title(for: .normal) == qlab![text_ans!+0] && !$0.isHidden }) {
// now you have the first - not hidden - button matching what you are looking for, time to hide it
hintButton.isHidden = true
note: I haven't checked the above in a compiler so there might be syntax errors which I'm sure the compiler will inform you about in it's friendly manner.