I am getting started with robot framework using python. I have following folder structure:
Tests have .robot files and Library has .py files.
This is what my robot file looks like
*** Settings ***
Library /Library/CustomLib.py
*** Test Cases ***
${name} generate random name ${10}
log to console ${name}
This is what my CustomLib.py file has:
import random
import string
__version__ = '1.0.0'
from robot.api.deco import keyword
class CustomLib:
@keyword('generate random name')
def get_random_name(self, email_length):
letters = string.ascii_lowercase[:12]
return ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(email_length))
At runtime it throws error that file doesn't exist and "No keyword with name 'Generate random name' found."
Though when I cmd+click on this keyword it takes me to the exact same method. I know it's some simple little thing but can't seem to figure out what.
The error is because of how you defined the path to the library during its import - you've prefixed it with /
, which means absolute path, e.g. "look for the directory Library from the root of the file system".
Just use a relative import, and you should be fine; if your tests are in the folder Tests, change the import to:
*** Settings ***
Library ../Library/CustomLib.py
If they are in Tests/FunctionalityX/Another, then it would be like this, and so on:
*** Settings ***
Library ../../../Library/CustomLib.py