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How can I wrap AND truncate axis labels via ggplot?

My axis labels on a column graph are unreasonably long. Initially, I addressed this via stringr thanks to dibisan's solution on an existing question which allowed me to truncate the labels using the following code:

ig_plot + scale_x_discrete(label = function(x) str_trunc(x, width = 40)) +
          theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))

Plot with truncated labels

I then decided that I wanted to show more characters, and found Sandy Muspratt's solution to an existing question, using str_wrap:

ig_plot + scale_x_discrete(label = function(x) str_wrap(x, width = 30)) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))

Plot with wrapped labels

This second plot is more similar to what I want to display. However, it has too many characters. I want to wrap the labels so that each label is 2 lines of 30 characters, followed by ellipses representing excess characters.

I have tried combining both str_trunc and str_wrap within the scale_x_discrete function as below:

ig_plot + scale_x_discrete(label = function(x) str_wrap(x, width = 30),
                                              str_trunc(x,60)) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))

This does not work and generates the error: Error in str_trunc(x, 60) : object 'x' not found.

I had also tried combining as a separate geom, but this results only in the truncation:

ig_plot + scale_x_discrete(label = function(x) str_wrap(x, width = 30)) +
  scale_x_discrete(label = function(x) str_trunc(x, width = 60)) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))

Can someone please help write an expression to truncate to 60 characters, while line-breaking at 20? Ideally using stringr (though other solutions appreciated too!).

Code for ig_plot:

ig_plot <- ggplot(ig_protein_long, 
                  aes(x = Protein.names, 
                      y = Abundance,
                      fill = Sample)) +
  geom_col(position = "dodge2")


Protein.names                                                                                                                                                    Protein.Names2 Sample        Abundance
   <chr>                                                                                                                                                            <chr>          <chr>             <dbl>
 1 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 1 (Ig gamma-1 chain C region) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region EU) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region KOL) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region NIE) IGHG1_HUMAN    2_1A            5864380
 2 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 1 (Ig gamma-1 chain C region) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region EU) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region KOL) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region NIE) IGHG1_HUMAN    2_1A_deglycos   4048260
 3 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 1 (Ig gamma-1 chain C region) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region EU) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region KOL) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region NIE) IGHG1_HUMAN    2_1D            5688230
 4 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 1 (Ig gamma-1 chain C region) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region EU) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region KOL) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region NIE) IGHG1_HUMAN    2_1D_deglycos   3701410
 5 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 1 (Ig gamma-1 chain C region) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region EU) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region KOL) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region NIE) IGHG1_HUMAN    AED5            8264160
 6 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 1 (Ig gamma-1 chain C region) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region EU) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region KOL) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region NIE) IGHG1_HUMAN    AED5_deglycos   7439780
 7 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 1 (Ig gamma-1 chain C region) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region EU) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region KOL) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region NIE) IGHG1_HUMAN    AI5             1189120
 8 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 1 (Ig gamma-1 chain C region) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region EU) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region KOL) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region NIE) IGHG1_HUMAN    AI5_deglycos    1179410
 9 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 3 (HDC) (Heavy chain disease protein) (Ig gamma-3 chain C region)                                                            IGHG3_HUMAN    2_1A             625329
10 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 3 (HDC) (Heavy chain disease protein) (Ig gamma-3 chain C region)                                                            IGHG3_HUMAN    2_1A_deglycos    717111
11 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 3 (HDC) (Heavy chain disease protein) (Ig gamma-3 chain C region)                                                            IGHG3_HUMAN    2_1D             592491
12 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 3 (HDC) (Heavy chain disease protein) (Ig gamma-3 chain C region)                                                            IGHG3_HUMAN    2_1D_deglycos    651356
13 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 3 (HDC) (Heavy chain disease protein) (Ig gamma-3 chain C region)                                                            IGHG3_HUMAN    AED5                 NA
14 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 3 (HDC) (Heavy chain disease protein) (Ig gamma-3 chain C region)                                                            IGHG3_HUMAN    AED5_deglycos    203275
15 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 3 (HDC) (Heavy chain disease protein) (Ig gamma-3 chain C region)                                                            IGHG3_HUMAN    AI5                  NA
16 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 3 (HDC) (Heavy chain disease protein) (Ig gamma-3 chain C region)                                                            IGHG3_HUMAN    AI5_deglycos         NA
17 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 4 (Ig gamma-4 chain C region)                                                                                                IGHG4_HUMAN    2_1A             957383
18 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 4 (Ig gamma-4 chain C region)                                                                                                IGHG4_HUMAN    2_1A_deglycos    804135
19 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 4 (Ig gamma-4 chain C region)                                                                                                IGHG4_HUMAN    2_1D             984904
20 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 4 (Ig gamma-4 chain C region)                                                                                                IGHG4_HUMAN    2_1D_deglycos    645221
21 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 4 (Ig gamma-4 chain C region)                                                                                                IGHG4_HUMAN    AED5            2239410
22 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 4 (Ig gamma-4 chain C region)                                                                                                IGHG4_HUMAN    AED5_deglycos   2265830
23 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 4 (Ig gamma-4 chain C region)                                                                                                IGHG4_HUMAN    AI5              283809
24 Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 4 (Ig gamma-4 chain C region)                                                                                                IGHG4_HUMAN    AI5_deglycos     176392
25 Immunoglobulin heavy constant mu (Ig mu chain C region) (Ig mu chain C region BOT) (Ig mu chain C region GAL) (Ig mu chain C region OU)                          IGHM_HUMAN     2_1A            1819170
26 Immunoglobulin heavy constant mu (Ig mu chain C region) (Ig mu chain C region BOT) (Ig mu chain C region GAL) (Ig mu chain C region OU)                          IGHM_HUMAN     2_1A_deglycos   1617100
27 Immunoglobulin heavy constant mu (Ig mu chain C region) (Ig mu chain C region BOT) (Ig mu chain C region GAL) (Ig mu chain C region OU)                          IGHM_HUMAN     2_1D            1904510
28 Immunoglobulin heavy constant mu (Ig mu chain C region) (Ig mu chain C region BOT) (Ig mu chain C region GAL) (Ig mu chain C region OU)                          IGHM_HUMAN     2_1D_deglycos   1260750
29 Immunoglobulin heavy constant mu (Ig mu chain C region) (Ig mu chain C region BOT) (Ig mu chain C region GAL) (Ig mu chain C region OU)                          IGHM_HUMAN     AED5            7667500
30 Immunoglobulin heavy constant mu (Ig mu chain C region) (Ig mu chain C region BOT) (Ig mu chain C region GAL) (Ig mu chain C region OU)                          IGHM_HUMAN     AED5_deglycos   7660800
31 Immunoglobulin heavy constant mu (Ig mu chain C region) (Ig mu chain C region BOT) (Ig mu chain C region GAL) (Ig mu chain C region OU)                          IGHM_HUMAN     AI5              366542
32 Immunoglobulin heavy constant mu (Ig mu chain C region) (Ig mu chain C region BOT) (Ig mu chain C region GAL) (Ig mu chain C region OU)                          IGHM_HUMAN     AI5_deglycos     494940
33 Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 1 (Ig alpha-1 chain C region) (Ig alpha-1 chain C region BUR) (Ig alpha-1 chain C region TRO)                                IGHA1_HUMAN    2_1A           38816100
34 Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 1 (Ig alpha-1 chain C region) (Ig alpha-1 chain C region BUR) (Ig alpha-1 chain C region TRO)                                IGHA1_HUMAN    2_1A_deglycos  25503900
35 Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 1 (Ig alpha-1 chain C region) (Ig alpha-1 chain C region BUR) (Ig alpha-1 chain C region TRO)                                IGHA1_HUMAN    2_1D           42940400
36 Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 1 (Ig alpha-1 chain C region) (Ig alpha-1 chain C region BUR) (Ig alpha-1 chain C region TRO)                                IGHA1_HUMAN    2_1D_deglycos  23146300
37 Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 1 (Ig alpha-1 chain C region) (Ig alpha-1 chain C region BUR) (Ig alpha-1 chain C region TRO)                                IGHA1_HUMAN    AED5          114771000
38 Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 1 (Ig alpha-1 chain C region) (Ig alpha-1 chain C region BUR) (Ig alpha-1 chain C region TRO)                                IGHA1_HUMAN    AED5_deglycos 105117000
39 Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 1 (Ig alpha-1 chain C region) (Ig alpha-1 chain C region BUR) (Ig alpha-1 chain C region TRO)                                IGHA1_HUMAN    AI5            56312200
40 Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 1 (Ig alpha-1 chain C region) (Ig alpha-1 chain C region BUR) (Ig alpha-1 chain C region TRO)                                IGHA1_HUMAN    AI5_deglycos   56323800
41 Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 2 (Ig alpha-2 chain C region) (Ig alpha-2 chain C region BUT) (Ig alpha-2 chain C region LAN)                                IGHA2_HUMAN    2_1A            6839840
42 Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 2 (Ig alpha-2 chain C region) (Ig alpha-2 chain C region BUT) (Ig alpha-2 chain C region LAN)                                IGHA2_HUMAN    2_1A_deglycos   3586850
43 Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 2 (Ig alpha-2 chain C region) (Ig alpha-2 chain C region BUT) (Ig alpha-2 chain C region LAN)                                IGHA2_HUMAN    2_1D            5939300
44 Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 2 (Ig alpha-2 chain C region) (Ig alpha-2 chain C region BUT) (Ig alpha-2 chain C region LAN)                                IGHA2_HUMAN    2_1D_deglycos   3094120
45 Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 2 (Ig alpha-2 chain C region) (Ig alpha-2 chain C region BUT) (Ig alpha-2 chain C region LAN)                                IGHA2_HUMAN    AED5           26295900
46 Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 2 (Ig alpha-2 chain C region) (Ig alpha-2 chain C region BUT) (Ig alpha-2 chain C region LAN)                                IGHA2_HUMAN    AED5_deglycos  26165000
47 Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 2 (Ig alpha-2 chain C region) (Ig alpha-2 chain C region BUT) (Ig alpha-2 chain C region LAN)                                IGHA2_HUMAN    AI5             6706120
48 Immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 2 (Ig alpha-2 chain C region) (Ig alpha-2 chain C region BUT) (Ig alpha-2 chain C region LAN)                                IGHA2_HUMAN    AI5_deglycos    5510820


  • To achieve your desired result wrap str_trunc inside str_wrap like so:

    df <- data.frame(
      Protein.names = c(
        "Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 1 (Ig gamma-1 chain C region) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region EU) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region KOL) (Ig gamma-1 chain C region NIE)",
        "Immunoglobulin heavy constant mu (Ig mu chain C region) (Ig mu chain C region BOT) (Ig mu chain C region GAL) (Ig mu chain C region OU)"
    ggplot(df, aes(Protein.names)) +
      geom_bar() +
      scale_x_discrete(label = function(x) str_wrap(str_trunc(x, 60), width = 30)) +
      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))