I set Ranger as a keybind with Awesome Window Manager (AWM). My environmental variables and shell (ZSH) for both visual and editor are set to VIM. When I use the keybind (super + f), Ranger defaults the editor to Nano. The man page for Ranger says that it defaults to VIM. I have no idea why it is doing this.
''' awful.key({ modkey }, "f", function () awful.util.spawn( "alacritty -e 'ranger'" ) end, 359 {description = "ranger" , group = "super"}), ''' ^^^This is the keybind.
Something probably set the EDITOR
environment, somewhere. Follow these steps to fix it:
and make sure your shell is zsh
export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim
in ~/.zshrc
with awful.spawn.with_shell. This ensure it reads ~/.zshrc
instead of launching range
with an "empty" environment.