I have a date field that looks like the following:
$exampleOne = 'Sep 04-08';
$exampleTwo = 'Sep 29-Oct 01';
How can I separate them to become:
$exampleOneResult = {'Sep 04', 'Sep 08'};
$exampleTwoResult = {'Sep 29', 'Oct 01'};
I was thinking to make a loop of splitting '-' first, then splitting ' ' second, but I think that would be too resource heavy?
For a concise and direct approach with fewer temporary variables, pre-hydrate the string to contain two months, then unconditionally explode on the hyphen. Done.
^ #from start of the string
(\D{4}) #capture four non-digit characters
\d{2} #match two digit characters
- #match hyphen
\K #forget/release all matched characters
(?=\d) #check that the next character is a digit (the month is missing)
The $1
in the replacement injects the month and space from the front of the string into the position immediately after the hyphen without consuming any characters in the process.
Code: (Demo)
$examples = [
'Sep 04-08',
'Sep 29-Oct 01',
$result = [];
foreach ($examples as $example) {
explode('-', preg_replace('/^(\D{4})\d{2}-\K(?=\d)/', '$1', $example))
echo "\n";
array (
0 => 'Sep 04',
1 => 'Sep 08',
array (
0 => 'Sep 29',
1 => 'Oct 01',
Or you can achieve the same result without regex by "left padding" the "to" string with the "from" string because the "from" string will always have all 6 characters and the "to" string will never have less than 2 characters. In other words, the days from the "from" string will ALWAYS be overwritten by the "to" days. Demo
$result = [];
foreach ($examples as $example) {
[$from, $to] = explode('-', $example, 2);
var_export([$from, str_pad($to, 6, $from, STR_PAD_LEFT)]);
echo "\n";