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Difference Between AWS SAVING PLAN Coverage Report vs Utilization Report

AWS SAVINGS PLAN: I cannot differentiate between the Coverage Report and a Utilization Report. However, I can see a difference in the report of both of these in my Billing account. Utilization Report:

  • 100% used in Savings Plan

Coverage Report:

  • 68% used in Savings Plan

Queries: What is the difference Between AWS SAVING PLAN Coverage Report vs Utilization Report? Why one of the reports is showing 100% (Utilization Report) and the other 68% (Coverage Report)?


  • Hope this helps:

    Utilization Report: Measures the amount of the savings plan you are using. If it's less than 100% it means that you reserved more than you need.

    Coverage Report: Measures the percentage of your costs covered by the savings plan. If it's less than 100%, you can increase your savings plan to optimize costs.

    Ideally, both should be 100%, but I would say that it's more important to keep the utilization report at 100% because it's already a fixed cost that you already acquired. The coverage report indicates further improvement opportunities to reduce costs.

    Here you can find the official information from AWS documentation: