#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
class Res {
std::string s;
Res(std::string arg) : s{ std::move(arg) } {
std::cout << "Res::Res(" << s << ");\n";
~Res() {
std::cout << "Res::~Res();\n";
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, Res const& r) {
return os << "Res { s = " << r.s << "; }";
// ptr is used just to read the content of the ptr.
// No writing is done. fun2 calls another api
// lets say api_fun that requires unique_ptr
void fun2(std::unique_ptr<Res>& uniq_ptr){
// api_fun(uniq_ptr);
std::cout << uniq_ptr.get() << '\n';
void fun1(Res* ptr){
//std::unique_ptr<Res> tt(ptr);
//fun2(std::move(tt));// this deletes the mem twice.
int main()
std::unique_ptr<Res> up(new Res("Hello, world!"));
// up will be used here too
I am working on a project that has a unique_ptr
variable lets say up
. This unique_ptr
is passed to a function fun1
as raw pointer. Now inside fun1
I have to call function fun2
but it takes unique_ptr.
As mentioned in the comment of fun2
. This function only reads the content of the pointer no modification is done.
How do I pass unique_ptr to fun2
from a raw pointer?
Ps: Is there a solution without modifying the api definition?
Edit: fun2 can takes std::unique_ptr&
instead of passing the address with get() you must release the ownership with release()
void api_fun(std::unique_ptr<Res> const&);
void fun2(std::unique_ptr<Res>& uniq_ptr){
std::cout << uniq_ptr.get() << '\n';
void fun1(Res* ptr){
std::unique_ptr<Res> tt(ptr);
int main()
std::unique_ptr<Res> up(new Res("Hello, world!"));
auto p = up.release();
std::cout << "All good" << std::endl;
but these fun1 and fun2 are not fun at all for anyone who is going to work with it later ;)
Surprisingly it looks exception-safe.