I have a table whose attributes are the following;
user_id | date | start_rank | end_rank |
xggghgh | 2019-02-02 | 01 | 25 |
I want as my output the following table;
user_id | latest_rank | No_of_players_on_the_latest_rank |
I thought that perhaps I'll be able to get the desired output using cte. So, I was able to make a cte using the following code;
WITH cte AS (
MAX(date) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY user_id) AS max
The reason for taking the max(date)
is that the latest rank will be on the latest date.
But I don't understand how do I approach the remainder of the problem. Perhaps my approach will not lead me to the output that I desire.
How do I get there?
i use MySQL as redms, as you don't mentioned which you are using Further u assume, that the latest can be determined by the date column, which you said is actually a timestamp
This approach determines first the latest entrys for every user, and in the following select it selects those determined by their row number and in a sub select it count the distinct user_ids, with out the user that has the endpoints
WIth CTE AS( SELECT `user_id`, `end_rank`, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY `date` DESC) rn FROM table1 ) SELECT `user_id`, `end_rank` , (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) FROM table1 WHERE `end_rank` = c1.`end_rank` AND `user_id` <> c1.`user_id`) No_of_players_on_the_latest_rank FROM CTE c1 WHERE rn = 1
user_id | end_rank | No_of_players_on_the_latest_rank :------ | -------: | -------------------------------: xggghab | 29 | 1 xggghgh | 25 | 0
db<>fiddle here