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Create Meeting with "allow new time proposal" disabled

I'm trying to use PowerShell to create a new meeting. We have a requirement to disable the "Allow New Time Proposal" button for this meeting. My script works to create the meeting but I'm unable to find the property on the meeting object.

The option is available in the Outlook UI enter image description here

I've reviewed the Microsoft documents but I don't see an option disable "Allow New Time Proposal".

Here is my code PowerShell code.

$Outlook = New-Object -comobject Outlook.Application
$Meeting = $Outlook.CreateItem($olItemType.olAppointmentItem)
$Meeting.AllDayEvent            = $True
$Meeting.Body                   = "Review DeathStar design for vulnerabilities"
$Meeting.BusyStatus             = 1
$Meeting.DoNotforwardMeeting    = $True
$Meeting.End                    = $End
$Meeting.Location               = "Grand Moff Tarkin meeting hall"
$Meeting.ReminderSet            = $False
$Meeting.ResponseRequested      = $false
$Meeting.Start                  = $Start
$Meeting.Subject                = "DeathStar Vulnerability Planning"

I'm looking for a solution in either PowerShell or VBA, as long as it doesn't require direct interaction with the Outlook UI.


  • You need to set AppointmentNotAllowPropose named MAPI property (DASL name "{00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/825A000B") to true using AppointmentItem.PropertyAccessor.SetProperty:

    $Meeting = $Outlook.CreateItem($olItemType.olAppointmentItem)
    $Meeting.PropertyAccessor.SetProperty("{00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/825A000B", $true)

    If you need to see MAPI properties (and their DASL names) not explicitly exposed by Outlook, take a look at the appointment with OutlookSpy (I am its author, click IMessage button).