I'm trying to create a dictionary based on a tree of folders located on a FTP server (see image below):
The result I'm looking for is : A primary dictionnary that have secondary dictionnaries (as keys) with some lists (as values).
rootpath = r'C:\Users\_M92\Desktop\myFolder'
dict = {'subfolder1': ['sub-subfolder1', 'sub-subfolder2', 'sub-subfolder3']}, \
{'subfolder2': ['sub-subfolder1']}, \
{'subfolder3': ['sub-subfolder1', 'sub-subfolder2']}
I have to precise that the sub-subfolders can eventually have some folders within.
Do you have any suggestions how to reach this kind of operations, please ?
With @Elmatador DeAngel's suggestion/answer here, we get close enough :
dict = {'subfolder1': {'sub-subfolder1': 'Empty', 'sub-subfolder2': 'Empty', 'sub-subfolder3': 'Empty'},\
'subfolder2': {'sub-subfolder1': 'Empty'}, \
'subfolder3': {'sub-subfolder1': 'Empty', 'sub-subfolder2': 'Empty'}}
I am aware that you're looking for a code using FTPlib. I don't have an FTP server to show tje example, but I can be of some help.
You could use the concept of a recursive function; a function that calls itself.
It's simple, scan a folder using os.listdir()
Then check if it's a folder, and if it is, then recall the same function to do the same operation and add it to a dictionary.
Here's a simple example(without an FTP):
import os
dictionary = {}
path = "C:/Users/User/Desktop/SomeFile"
def is_dictionary(path):
return True
return False
def RecursiveFunc(data, path):
f = os.listdir(path)
if f != {}:
for i in f:
if is_dictionary(f"{path}/{i}"):
if os.listdir(f"{path}/{i}") != []:
data[i] = {}
RecursiveFunc(data[i], f"{path}/{i}")
data[i] = 'Empty'
RecursiveFunc(dictionary, path)
You just gotta do the same with the FTPlib library. You can use FTP.cwd()
to move from a dictionary to another, and FTP.nlst()
to list all the files in said dictionary, and then call a recursive function to do the same job to the file inside the file.
{'subfolder1': {'sub-subfolder1': 'Empty', 'sub-subfolder2': 'Empty', 'sub-subfolder3': 'Empty'},
{'subfolder2': {'sub-subfolder1': 'Empty'},
{'subfolder3': {'sub-subfolder1': 'Empty', 'sub-subfolder2': 'Empty'}}
I wrote a code that almost perfectly resembles the output you desire.
Here it is:
import os
dictionary = []
path = "C:/Users/User/Desktop/MyFolder"
def is_dic(path):
return True
return False
def RecursiveFunc(data, path):
f = os.listdir(path)
index = 0
for i in f:
if is_dic(f"{path}/{i}"):
if os.listdir(f"{path}/{i}") == []:
data.append({i: []})
RecursiveFunc(data[index][i], f"{path}/{i}" )
index += 1
RecursiveFunc(dictionary, path)
[{'subfolder1': ['sub-subfolder1', 'sub-subfolder2', 'sub-subfolder3']},
{'subfolder2': ['sub-subfolder1']},
{'subfolder3': ['sub-subfolder1', 'sub-subfolder2']}]