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In R using googlesheets4 how do you write a new spreadsheet to an existing workbook?

First let me apologize for using Excel terms for Google Sheets. I want to grab data from a single sheet in a workbook, do something, then write a new sheet in the same workbook. For example;


pot <- read_sheet("")

  group_by(Treat) %>%
  summarise(Mean = mean(Value))

Now I want want to write pot.sum to a new spreadsheet in the same workbook. I know the functions gs4_create() and write_sheet(), but I am missing how to direct where the new sheet is written. Thank you for any help you could provide.


  • The following will help you do it:

    # Load packages
    link <- ""
    pot <- read_sheet(link)
    pot.sum <- pot %>%
      group_by(Treat) %>%
      summarise(Mean = mean(Value))
    pot.sum %>% write_sheet(ss = link, sheet = "pot.sum")

    Then you can check the sheet in the main Google Sheets,