Using the above URL and given my supplied API key within the request headers - I am getting no results back from the Bing Spell Checker API using PostMan or from Refit in C#(Xamarin Forms).
For 'mus' I'm expecting 'must', for 'tst' I'm expecting 'test' but, neither seem to work.
I've set the mode to 'spell' which should be the case however, even in 'proof' mode it doesn't return any results.
Please can somebody let me know why?
The documentation explains:
Bing Spell Check API lets you perform contextual grammar and spell checking on a text string. While most spell-checkers rely on dictionary-based rule sets, the Bing spell-checker leverages machine learning and statistical machine translation to provide accurate and contextual corrections.
I assume that passing single words in most cases won’t provide enough information for this approach.
Try passing phrases that put your words in some reasonable context like mst have
or quality tst
For single word suggestions you can try a dictionary based service or software package.