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How do i get the direction or the position that the character of the Player is looking?

I have a question that I've been wanting to know the answer to for a while. How to get the position and direction the player character is looking? I want to know this because I need to make a system that involves this.


  • So in ROBLOX, all BaseParts have a property named CFrame which represents the Position and Orientation of that BasePart.

    Now if you wanna find the where the character is looking, we could check the direction the character's Head is facing by utilizing its CFrame. (since we can't get the CFrame of a model). To do this, we can reference the character Head and then get the LookVector property of its CFrame. And voila you got the direction where the character is facing. But there is a slight issue, you see-LookVector is not a positional vector but rather a directional vector, as such it will have a Magnitude (length) of 1. So if we want to find the position the character is looking at, we need to multiply this LookVector by a number which will denote the number of studs in the direction of the character we want to look and then add it with the position of the Head.

    So based on the above, you can do this:

    local Head: BasePart = LocalPlayer.Character.Head.CFrame
    local Direction: Vector3 = Head.LookVector
    local Distance: number = 3 -- Look 3 studs in the direction of the `Head`
    local Target: Vector3 = Head.Position + (Direction * Distance)