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SemanticMediawiki: embed some property into a piece of text

I've a list of articles that contain: an url, a title, some tags


* [ Lo psicologo di base rischia di essere inutile se non ci sono abbastanza fondi stanziati] #psicologia #governo #politica #lavoro
* [ Incontro con Giuseppe Morgante] #dating #stalking #violenza
* [ Come la continua lamentela può nascondere un pericolo per il nostro benessere psicologico] #indignazione #psicologia #socialmedia #società

I want to show transform them in a template that shows those information (just they are already shown now) but also hosts the property in a semantic way.


|url =
|title = Bullismo: proposta una legge in Francia per punirlo penalmente. Si rischia anche il carcere
|@category = bullismo|violenza|leggi|punizioni|+sep=|

How can I associate the first part (visual, human readable) and the second part (semantic)?


  • You have to use basic mediawiki template parameter mechanism. When you call a template in a page, you passes named parameters, i.e.

     {{MyTemplate | url= | title= Foo Bar }}

    Inside the template, you can access parameters values by calling them :


    In your case, you may create a template containing something like :

    * [{{{url}}} | {{{title}}}] {{#subobject:
    |url = {{{url}}}
    |title = {{{title}}}

    Which will both display and store your parameters. Just make sure to correctly manage line breaks when calling multiple templates in the same page.

    Extra tip : remove all unnecessary spaces in the subobject's @category= part, as otherwise, in most versions, it fails to register categories.