Why are services not compiled in php?
my proto file content
syntax = "proto3";
service SearchService {
rpc Search(SearchRequest) returns (stream SearchResponse);
message SearchRequest{
string q = 1;
message SearchResponse{
string result = 1;
and I run the following command
protoc --php_out=src proto/example.proto
as a result, SeachRequest and SearchResponse objects have been created but the SearchService did not have been created
after a few days, I found the answer in a random repo. I noticed --grpc_out=
flag is missing ,in addition --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(which grpc_php_plugin)
is missing
the console command should have such as bellow
protoc --php_out=./src --grpc_out=./src --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=$(which grpc_php_plugin) ./protos/example.proto
I even created an example for it.. php gRPC server and client