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How to disconnect from Firebase emulator using Android Hilt

I am trying to use the Firebase Auth and Firestore emulator for testing, but my real Firebase app for development. I have Hilt for dependency injection. In my test module, I set useEmulator but in my development module, I just use the Firebase singletons. It turns out development is still using the emulator because the singleton is shared between tests and development. How do I disconnect from the emulator in the development module?

Development module:

object FirebaseModule {
    fun provideAuth(): FirebaseAuth = Firebase.auth

    fun provideDb(): FirebaseFirestore = Firebase.firestore

Test module:

@TestInstallIn(components = [SingletonComponent::class], replaces = [FirebaseModule::class])
object FakeFirebaseModule {
    private val TAG = FakeFirebaseModule::class.simpleName

    fun provideAuth(): FirebaseAuth = Firebase.auth.apply {
        try {
            useEmulator("", 9099)
        } catch (e: IllegalStateException) {
            Log.e(TAG, "User emulator failed", e)

    fun provideDb(): FirebaseFirestore = Firebase.firestore.apply {
        try {
            useEmulator("", 8080)
        } catch (e: IllegalStateException) {
            Log.e(TAG, "User emulator failed", e)
        firestoreSettings = FirebaseFirestoreSettings.Builder().setPersistenceEnabled(false).build()


class ExampleTest {
    private val hiltRule = HiltAndroidRule(this)

    private val composeTestRule = createAndroidComposeRule<MainActivity>()

    val rule: TestRule = RuleChain.outerRule(hiltRule).around(composeTestRule)

    lateinit var auth: FirebaseAuth

    lateinit var db: FirebaseFirestore

    fun setUp() {
        auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(TestData.UserEmail1, TestData.UserPassword1)
            .addOnFailureListener {
                auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(TestData.UserEmail1, TestData.UserPassword1)

    // ...


  • *sigh* I figured out what was wrong and I was looking in completely the wrong place. I thought my development code was using test data, but actually it was using stale development data. I had this in my code:

    inline fun <reified T : Any> Query.getObjectsFlow() = callbackFlow {
        val subscription = addSnapshotListener { value, error ->
            when {
                error != null -> cancel("Get snapshot failed", error)
                value != null -> trySend(value.toObjects<T>())
        awaitClose { subscription.remove() }

    used like this:

    // Repository
    val feed = db.collection(FEED_COLLECTION)
                .map { docs ->
                    val feedItems = { FeedItemState.fromDocument(it) }
                    if (feedItems.isEmpty()) {
                    } else {
                .catch {
                    Log.e(TAG, "Error querying server", it)
    // FeedItemState
    data class FeedItemState(
        val id: String = "",
        val createdAt: Instant =,
        val text: String = "",
    ) {
        companion object {
            fun fromDocument(doc: FeedItemDocument): FeedItemState {
                val id =!!
                val createdAt = doc.createdAt?.toDate()?.toInstant()!!
                val text = doc.text!!
                return FeedItemState(type, id, createdAt, text)

    My repository would emit a load failure value if any of the document fields were null. However, the snapshot listener emits every single query object including old ones. Which means when I would add fields to the database, the first object emitted would not have the new field, thus throwing an NPE.

    I had to change the repository to accept and ignore null fields. So changing { FeedItemState.fromDocument(it) } to mapNotNull and allowing the fromDocument method to return null when the fields were null instead of using !!.

    Lesson learned: In Kotlin if you're using !!, be very suspicious of the code. It can often be replaced with something that doesn't throw an NPE.