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Jenkins groovy scripted pipeline variables not substituting correctly

I'm running a very simple pipeline to create maven projects, the pipeline is to run a single maven install command.

The trouble is substituting variables into the one-liner. I've tried various different things but stuck in a strange place. Take example pipeline below:

node {
    stage('Set Vars') {
        GIT_HASH = sh (script: "git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%H'" , returnStdout: true)
        echo "git hash is >>>>>>>> $GIT_HASH"
        echo "build no is >>>>>>>> ${BUILD_NUM}"
    stage('Build Project') {
        sh "mvn clean install -PrunInstallPackage -Duser=admin -Dpass=guessing -Dip= -Dport=4444 -Dhash=${GIT_HASH} -Dbuildnumber=${BUILD_NUM}"

I would expect to see the variables substitued in the mvn install command, this does not seem to work this way though.

This build results in:

sh "mvn clean install -PrunInstallPackage -Duser=admin -Dpass=guessing -Dip= -Dport=4444 -Dhash=${GIT_HASH}

Both echo commands print out correct output.

Why does the last command get cut off after the first variable substitution?

Also, for some unknown reason, I cannot substitute -Dbuildnumber=${env.BUILD_NUMBER}" directly into the maven command. Seems like something that a user should be able to do. What am I missing here?

Many thanks in advance


  • I am trying to remember how I solved same issues in the past..

    Problem 1

    You are using the GIT_HASH variable across two stages, so you have to declare it global to share it across them:

    // Global variables declaration
    GIT_HASH = null
    // Pipeline code
    node {
        stage('Set Vars') {
            GIT_HASH = sh (script: "git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%H'" , returnStdout: true)
            echo "git hash is >>>>>>>> $GIT_HASH"
            echo "build no is >>>>>>>> ${BUILD_NUM}"
        stage('Build Project') {
            sh "mvn clean install -PrunInstallPackage -Duser=admin -Dpass=guessing -Dip= -Dport=4444 -Dhash=${GIT_HASH} -Dbuildnumber=${BUILD_NUM}"

    Problem 2

    env.BUILD_NUMBER is a Groovy statement, instead mvn gets executed inside a shell instance by the sh command.

    For that reason I suggest you to use the BUILD_NUM variable way.