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Can you require a file directly from the /after/plugin folder?

I decided to spring-clean and update my nvim config files/plugins, and thought I’d make proper use of the after/plug folder. While setting up LSP (with mason, mason-lspconfig, and lspconfig), I wanted to move all the lsp language server settings out from after/plugin/lsp/init.lua to their own files (now in after/plugin/lsp/settings).

The problem is I don’t seem to be able to require them into the init.lua file.

Things I’ve tried to no avail:

require(vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/after/plugin/lsp/settings/sumneko_lua”)
require(vim.fn.expand('%:h').. ‘/settings/sumneko_lua’)

The attempt using expand works when I resource the file in nvim; but causes an error when starting nvim.

I understand that all the files in after/plugin are automagically sourced at startup. So if I had a file shared.lua:

local M = {}                                                                              
function M.greet()                                                                        

return M

in the same folder as after/plugin/lsp/init.lua, how can I get access to the greet() function from init.lua?

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


  • It turned out to be quite a simple solution in the end: I simply updated the paths to be searched in init.lua

    -- nvim/init.lua
    -- Allow require to look in after/plugin folder
    local home_dir = os.getenv("HOME")
    package.path = home_dir .. "/.config/nvim/after/plugin/?.lua;" .. package.path

    And then I can require any file inside the after/plugin folder

    e.g - require("lsp/settings/sumneko") or require("lsp/shared").greet()