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How to exit a powershell script with exitcode after using Write-Error?

I noticed that if I use Write-Error and after that exit 123 the $lastexitcode variable is not changed, instead it still contains the exit code from the previous command.

Given I have these files:


Write-Output "hello"
exit 3


Write-Error "hello"
exit 123

Then I call in a powershell:

// displays: hello
// displays: 3

// displays: Write-Error: hello
// also/still displays: 3

I expected $lastexitcode after .\test-err.ps1 to be 123.

My workaround is to use [Console]::Error.WriteLine("hello"), but it seems like Write-Error should be the preferred way of doing this.

The documentation says

To write a non-terminating error, enter an error message string, an ErrorRecord object, or an Exception object. Use the other parameters of Write-Error to populate the error record.

It doesn't mention that it will prevent setting a custom exit code. And worse, using this doesn't set an exit code at all. If it was 0 before, then after using Write-Error and then exit 1 won't even work.

Am I missing something?


  • Your symptom implies:

    • that your exit 123 statement was never executed

    • which in turn means that Write-Error, which by default emits a non-terminating error, happened to emit a script-terminating error,

    • which in turn implies that the $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' was in effect.