Good day!
I have a model with Source-> Wait-> Batch blocks. The agents are generated by the cyclic event. For one event the random number of agents may be generated, but all of them marked as the same group and have the same creation time. In a batch block I would like to join the agent with the same creation timestamp. For this purpose I used the wait block, where I calculate the cumulative size of all agents with the same timestamp and set the batchSize. The agents belongs to the class Modality. However, after Running I get the followiwng error:
class priority.New_modality cannot be cast to class priority.Modality (priority.New_modality and priority.Modality are in unnamed module of loader 'app')
What is the reason?
Thank you :)
[![Modality and New Modality
Likely, you are trying to push New_modality
agents through a flow chart block that expects modality
Check the flow chart block downstream of the batch block and make sure it is set to await New_modality
agents (it is in the advanced properties)