I have got two PC connected on Local LAN. On client PC data is written using LabVIEW. So how to access the same database on server PC using LabVIEW.
In a nutshell, open a DB connection in your local PC o in a remote PC is the same. You should only change the connection parameters. Anyway, some details must be taken into account.
Assuming that you are using a MS-SQL server, follow these points:
Be sure that your SQL server is accessible from the other PC. Follow this guide: Configure remote access SQL
I suggest you to use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to check if your database is accessible.
In LabVIEW, use the Database Connection Toolkit to access to your DB. I suggest you to create a .UDL file and to use this file to open the DB connection.
To create an UDL file: