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ClojureScript ReFrame

I create project by use

Like: lein new re-frame my-project +10x +garden +test

And receive warnings:

------ WARNING #1 - :redef -----------------------------------------------------
 Resource: day8/re_frame_10x/inlined_deps/garden/v1v3v10/garden/color.cljc:390:1
 abs already refers to: cljs.core/abs being replaced by:

------ WARNING #2 - :redef -----------------------------------------------------
 Resource: zprint/range.cljc:81:1
 abs already refers to: cljs.core/abs being replaced by: zprint.range/abs

------ WARNING #3 - :undeclared-var --------------------------------------------
 Resource: cljs/analyzer.cljc:4403:12
 Use of undeclared Var cljs.analyzer/Throwable

------ WARNING #4 - :undeclared-var --------------------------------------------
 Resource: cljs/analyzer.cljc:4402:7
 Use of undeclared Var cljs.analyzer/ns-resolve

How to fix it?


  • For the 1st warning, try updating re-frame-10x to the latest version (1.5.0 at the time of writing).

    The 2nd warning - same for zprint (1.2.4 now).

    The 3rd and the 4th warnings - same for ClojureScript itself (if you're using shadow-cljs, update shadow-cljs instead).