I'm using Flutter just audio and I'm creating a ContatenatingAudioSource
like this:
// Define the playlist
final playlist = ConcatenatingAudioSource(
// Start loading next item just before reaching it
useLazyPreparation: true,
// Customise the shuffle algorithm
shuffleOrder: DefaultShuffleOrder(),
// Specify the playlist items
children: [
This works perfectly, but I can't seem to prevent the next audio from playing when the current one ends.
All I want is a playlist where I have to explicitly seek
the next audio, whenever the current one ends.
Is it possible to do that?
It sounds like ConcatenatingAudioSource
is not the right solution to your problem, because what it does is "concatenate" the audio of multiple items together so that they can be played continuously.
If all you want is to have separate items that the user can switch between, then you can program it exactly that way:
final items = [
Future<void> selectItem(int index) {
await player.setAudioSource(items[index]!);
Now, there is only ever one item in just_audio's playlist which means that when it completes, it completes. You can call selectItem(i)
to switch to item i
This solution does mean that player.sequence
will not contain a sequence of all items, it will only ever contain a single item. So if you were relying on that to render the list in your UI, you should instead use items
(declared above).