I am converting some of my Vue2 code with Option API to Vue3 Composition API and having difficulty with loadash's debouce method-
Code that works in Vue2 Option API:
onSearch(search, loading) {
if(search.length > 3) {
this.search(loading, search, this);
search: _.debounce((loading, search, vm) => {
axios.get(`example_endpoint?q=${escape(search)}`).then(res => {
(vm.dummy_data = res.data.data);
}, 350),
I tried the following in composition API but it would not work:
const dummy_data = ref([]);
function onSearch(search, loading) {
if(search.length > 3) {
_.debounce((search, loading) => {
axios.get(`example_endpoint?q=${escape(search)}`).then(res => {
dummy_data.value = res.data.data;
}, 250);
Note: It is used for AJAX search in the Vue-Select component.
<v-select taggable push-tags
class="form-control-plaintext input-sm p-0 rounded-0 shadow-none"
Debounce can't correctly work correctly if it's defined in the place that is supposed to be called. The result of _.debounce(...)
is a function, it's not called here. It should follow the same structure as original code:
const search = _.debounce((searchValue, loading) => {...}, 250);
function onSearch(searchValue, loading) {
if(searchValue.length > 3)
search(searchValue, loading);